
Library About Research Prize FAQ

Library Research Prize Frequently Asked Questions


Can I submit multiple research projects?

Yes, you may submit multiple projects.


I am a graduate student. Can I submit a project that I did as a Fairfield undergraduate if it was completed during the eligible timeframe?

No, to win the undergraduate prize you must still currently be an undergraduate student.


I am a DNP student. Can I apply?

Yes, you would be eligible for the graduate research prize.


My professor is away on sabbatical or unable to provide a statement of support. Can I ask another faculty member?

Due to these extenuating circumstances another faculty member/advisor who is familiar with your research project may provide the statement of support.


How is the award disbursed?

Winners will either receive a check at the award reception or it will be mailed to winner’s home address.


Will the prize affect my financial aid?

The award may affect your financial aid. Please consult your financial aid advisor before you apply.


Have additional questions?

Contact Tiara Arnold at tarnold@fairfield.edu