
¶¶Òô»ÆƬapp responds to devastation of Hurricane Katrina

¶¶Òô»ÆƬapp responds to devastation of Hurricane Katrina

Like so many individuals and organizations across America, the members of the ¶¶Òô»ÆƬapp community have been greatly saddened and disturbed by the tremendous extent of human suffering that was inflicted by Hurricane Katrina. We extend our heartfelt compassion to the victims of this devastating storm. We have initiated programs to respond to both the general need created by this catastrophic event as well as the problems it has created for university students whose colleges and universities have been so severely affected that they must close for this semester.

In response to calls from families concerned about their students from throughout the Gulf Coast region, who have been displaced by this disaster, Fairfield, along with many other colleges and universities across the country, is providing special advising and registration services, in the hope that these students will eventually be able to return to their own universities with their academic careers intact.

In addition, we are working through our Jesuit network of 28 colleges and universities in the United States, to help students from our sister-Jesuit school of Loyola University New Orleans through this difficult period.

University College is coordinating this response and, with the help of other University personnel, is attempting to accommodate all students who request this assistance. For further information on these services, please call (203) 254-4110.

In response to the terrible destruction of Hurricane Katrina, ¶¶Òô»ÆƬapp is joining with its sister Jesuit institutions to support a drive that is being coordinated through the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities (AJCU). Rev. Paul E. Carrier, S.J., and Campus Ministry have been designated to organize this university-wide effort. Immediately, Campus Ministry is requesting and accepting donations for the relief effort. Checks may be made out to ¶¶Òô»ÆƬapp Campus Ministry with a notation for Hurricane Relief. Special collections, begun this past weekend at Masses on campus, are being accompanied by a campus-wide solicitation.

Campus Ministry thanks all of those who have expressed their concern via phone calls and emails and have already contributed to this important effort. We will be working with students, faculty, and staff to plan further fundraising activities and relief efforts.

As of Tuesday, Sept. 6, 36 full-time and eight part-time students had enrolled at Fairfield from Loyola-New Orleans and Tulane Universities and more students are visiting Fairfield. We know that all members of the University community will make every effort to welcome these new students to our campus and help them in every way possible as they adjust to their new environment.

Posted On: 09-06-2005 10:09 AM

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