
March '99 media tips

March '99 media tips

Microsoft and Intel antitrust cases

Dr. Edward J. Deak, professor of economics and chair of the department, teaches antitrust and regulation and would be a good resource to comment on the Microsoft and Intel antitrust cases. Widely respected and quoted for his expertise, Dr. Deak serves as the Connecticut Model Manager of the New England Economic Project. Office number: (203) 254-4000, ext. 2866.

Popularity of Shakespeare

Dr. Richard J. Regan, assistant professor of English says, "The recent bull market in Shakespeare owes much of its energy to the fine films of the last several years." Convinced that the "the truth of the play lies in performance," Dr. Regan uses BBC series, films, and TV studio productions to interpret the text of the play. In a multimedia presentation, he scrolls the text of the play from a CD-ROM onto a large screen in a classroom equipped with a ceiling mounted projector which is connected to his computer. Next to that screen, on a VCR/monitor, he runs a performance tape set at the appropriate scene, allowing students to follow the text as the performance unfolds. Office phone: (203) 254-4000, ext. 2794.

Fun and Games with Y2K

Dr. Elia V. Chepaitis, associate professor of information systems, gets students to think creatively about the Y2K problem by having them work in teams to develop board games around the subject. They incorporate whatever problems or scenarios they can imagine and try to come up with solutions. In the process they learn about hardware, software, business systems and problem management. Dr. Chepaitis teaches Information Technology for Business and Int'l Information Systems. Office phone: (203) 254-4000, ext. 2828.

Posted On: 03-01-1999 09:03 AM

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